
I did not know when I left my house in Villa Obregon six months ago that I would not be returning. I did not pack up my Christmas ornaments, my journals, my kids’ favorite books. I did not say goodbye to friends. I did not give away extra pots and pans, tupperware, or clothing to my neighbors in need. I stood on the curb and kissed my husband goodbye, telling him we would see each other in a few weeks in Virginia. I took a last glance at the plants on the balcony, leaves lit by the just rising sun, and wondered how many would make it through the sweltering summer and how many I would need to replace upon my arrival home in six months.

Six months have passed and our lives are on a completely new path now. We are staying in Virginia where Ben can work a solid job that will pay our debts. Where we can take the kids to the library and watch them experience snow. Where we can enjoy the crisp fall weather, wear wool socks, grow vegetables and own chickens. It is so much of what we have been dreaming about. We knew that we were coming up on the time to leave Mexico. We knew from the beginning in 2011 that we would not be there forever, that it was a time to enjoy and that one day we would go back to four seasons and chopping firewood and frost on the windowpanes. I have longed for that life.

But I have also loved our life in Mexico. I love the ocean and the beach. I love the people we have served at our cafe and the friends we have made around surf boards and restaurant tables and yoga mats. I love that my kids both learned how to swim and can handle a boogie board in the waves. That they have seen the briny miracles: a whale tail slap the water, dolphins dancing in waves, baby turtles crawling out of their sandy nest, the sun rise and set over the ocean. I feel those miracles make up some of the marrow in my bones and I love that we have shared them. It is hard to walk away from that goodness.

I will be the first to say that our life in Villa Obregon was far from ideal and I am glad that we are moving on. It is not how I wanted the move to happen and there have been tears and sleepless nights as we struggle with making this decision. On hard days we wonder if it is the right decision. I think it is.

These days my little family piles into our minivan and drives to look at potential houses to make a new home in. We go to fall festivals and truck pulls and rodeos. We play on playgrounds and hike around the woods. I am slowly accumulating winter coats, boots, fleece lined jeans. The kids ask once a week if it will snow soon. We say goodbye to Papa in the morning and hug him in the door in the evening light. Ben and I talk about living in America again and how we can stay involved with the poor and the immigrants. The days are cool, we have had plenty of rain and grey skies, and the giant wolf spiders are getting cozy in our closets and boots. We hear the geese honking and watch little yellow leaves fall from the trees. Autumn is coming. There is goodness here.


6 thoughts on “Autumn

  1. Welcome to home dear Alexa. We love you, Ben and your family! We will miss you but are happy for your new situation. We have moved a lot in our lives and know that many friends remain friends even though separated by distance and time. We look forward to your posts and hearing about your new life situation.
    Lou and Wynn

  2. You and your family will be sorely missed in Villa Obregon. However, we want you all to be happy and we wish you all the best. Hope you will come visit some time!
    Hugs to you all,
    Donna and Brian

  3. I have been reading that yearning between the lines in your essays up north. I am happy for you. I will miss you here — and the fact that Barco never did get to know your kids. But this sounds like exactly the right thing for you to do. God has something in store for all of you — and I know your heads, your hands, your hearts are right there waiting for that next mission. Please keep writing. You will always be hand prints on our hearts.

  4. Wishing you all the best in your new ventures. Happy trails! I know what you mean about life here or life there. For a few months of the year I live in Villa Obregon and sometimes friends at home ask “why don’t you live in Mexico full time?” I look that person in the eye and say “because of you”…Please keep writing and know that I will miss you and your lovely family…adios for now

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